
Tuesday 6 December 2016

Auckland WALT Summarise ideas using my own words

Your task for this clip is to write a summary of it (that means, what was it about? What happened?)
The challenge for this, is you must use as few words as possible, but still have all the ideas in it.
Your teacher will be checking it to make sure you haven’t left out any ideas.
You must talk about
  • What is an earthquake?
  • How are they made?
  • Talk about one example - e.g. the earthquake in Japan and how it affected people
  • What can people do to help minimise the damage of earthquakes (look at the last ‘fact’)

Start here: An Earthquake is when the grounds europe's and  it cracks the ground and it damages buildings.An earthquake is usally caused by when a  rock underground suddenly breaks and it causes the earthquake.

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