
Friday 29 June 2018

Picture key

What could be happening in this picture?  Come up with a thoughtful and creative story for each picture.

The legend of the Neil Monk strong

In 1200 A.D there was a monkey called Neil Monk strong.
Neil was a trained astronaut that was called to go on a mission.
The mission he had was to be the first monkey to go on the moon.
At the international space station Neil Monk Strong was in the rocket.
While Neil Monk strong was in the rocket he nearly crashed into a meteorite.
The meteorite was gigantic like neptune.
When he dodged the meteorite he landed on the moon.
When he landed on the moon he had to take samples of the moon.
After that he stepped into a shadow and it looked like he had a frost bite.
Quickly he ran into his rocket and went to the sun.
On the way he was freezing up to his neck.
Finally he reached the sun and he was back to normal.
When he arrived at the space station the were releaved.

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